Port Alice, home sweet home!

A short drive up the north end of Vancouver Island, this small town has an embarrassment of riches. Here’s a few things to wet your appetite:

  1. Scenic location: Port Alice is located on the north end of Vancouver Island and offers breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean and surrounding mountains.

  2. Outdoor recreation: Port Alice provides access to a range of outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, kayaking, and beachcombing.

  3. Small-town charm: With a population of around 500, Port Alice offers a tight-knit, friendly community and a slower-paced lifestyle.

  4. Access to amenities: Despite its small size, Port Alice has a variety of local amenities, including shops, restaurants, and recreational facilities.

  5. Proximity to larger cities: Port Alice is a short drive from larger cities on Vancouver Island, such as Port Hardy and Port McNeill, making it convenient for those who desire a small-town lifestyle but still want access to urban amenities.


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